bread Archives - Cooking Classy with a sprinkle of fancy Wed, 20 Sep 2023 16:52:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 44235149 Cucumber Sandwiches Wed, 19 Jul 2023 04:11:22 +0000 Classic Cucumber Sandwiches! Light, refreshing, and unbelievably easy to make, they’re a staple finger food for afternoon tea, baby showers, bridal showers, picnics, and every occasion in between! 

Close up photo of stack of cucumber sandwiches on a cake stand.

Where Did Cucumber Sandwiches Originate? 

Cucumber sandwiches are often thought of as an English tradition. So, you might be surprised to learn that they were originally created in India. From there, they spread to China, the Middle East, and Europe. 

It is said that the sandwiches were created by British colonists in India who were trying to find foods that would fill their bellies and relieve them from the intense heat. The sandwiches then made their way back to England and became a staple component of Victorian-era high teas. 

Today, they remain a popular recipe and are enjoyed all over the world. Quick, easy, and delicious, it’s not hard to see why they have been enjoyed for thousands of years. I’ll show you how to make them in minutes for the perfect snack, appetizer, or light lunch! 

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Bruschetta Chicken Fri, 03 Feb 2023 04:20:04 +0000 Bruschetta Chicken is a delicious dish made of pan seared chicken breasts topped with a tomato basil bruschetta mixture. Here it's also upgraded with fresh mozzarella, balsamic glaze and toasted sourdough bread. A new staple dinner!

Bruschetta Chicken served with balsamic glaze and a side of toasted baguette and asparagus.

Flavorful Chicken Bruschetta

Who doesn't love the classic bruschetta with vibrant Roma tomatoes, rich olive oil, bold garlic, and plenty of fresh basil? Convert that quartet of ingredients into a smothered chicken dish and you'll have a dinner people won't forget!

It's a full flavored, well rounded, Italian style dish that has layer after layer of fresh goodness.

You won't see the bread included in this recipe elsewhere but I'd say it's a must (unless you are on a special diet and need to reduce carbs of course). It brings that authenticity and texture to this dish, you'll love the toasty golden brown flavor and crunch of the crust.

You can use store-bought or homemade balsamic glaze in this recipe. Did you know it only requires one ingredient to make it? Which you probably already have, just balsamic vinegar and that's it!

It's the ultimate finishing touch to this recipe.

Add this chicken bruschetta to the menu this week, you don't want to pass on this one!

Pan seared bruschetta chicken with fresh mozzarella.

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Crockpot Stuffing Wed, 16 Nov 2022 23:00:14 +0000 Crockpot Stuffing - It's made with fresh bread, fresh vegetables, lots of butter and plenty of an abundance of fresh herbs! This method is a great way to free up the oven space during the holidays. This is a family favorite and may likely become your go-to Thanksgiving stuffing recipe!

Stuffing in a crockpot with decorative fall leaves and a green cloth to the side.

Free up the Oven, Make Stuffing in a Crockpot!

This is a go-to stuffing recipe for us, once you try it you'll see why! It's just as good as what you can make in the oven and it's less tending to.

If you always hated stuffing growing up because you ate the boxed stuff I highly recommend trying this slow cooker stuffing recipe!

Once I tried this made from scratch version I was hooked. You'll love all the fresh, real flavor it has when it's homemade, plus it's easier to make than you'd think.

This stuffing is packed with fresh herbs, it's made from freshly dried bread cubes (I listed store-bought bread cubes as an option just in case you don't have time to make your own), and has the perfect amount of butter and veggies.

On Thanksgiving we all know how little oven space is available so it always helps to either be able to make some of it ahead of time or in the slow cooker. This recipe is a game changer.

And believe it or not I think you'll love the way the slow cooker cooks the stuffing. You get a soft buttery center and deliciously crisp edges. What's not to love?

I hope this recipe becomes a staple for your Thanksgiving dinner! It's just one of those timeless classics that always pleases. It's just good for the soul comfort food.

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Tuna Melt Fri, 02 Sep 2022 05:13:06 +0000 The perfect Tuna Melt recipe! This amazingly easy to make sandwich includes flavorful sourdough bread (or other of choice), a creamy and herby tuna salad, rich cheddar and fresh tomato slices. It's the ultimate upgrade to a traditional tuna sandwich!

Two tuna melt sandwiches cut into halves and stacked on a large white plate.

What is a Tuna Melt?

A tuna melt is similar to a classic hot grilled cheese sandwich but with the addition of tuna salad included.

It's layered with a tuna filling made from canned tuna, along with shredded or sliced cheddar cheese, optional tomatoes and it's all sandwiched between fresh bread slices that are slathered in butter. From there the sandwich is pan fried until cheese is melty, the filling has warmed and the bread has taken on a gorgeous golden brown, crisp exterior.

It makes one of the best lunches or a quick and satisfying dinner. And you'll love that it's made with simple ingredients, most of which you likely already have on hand.

Serve it with fresh fruit or vegetables and crisp, salty potato chips for the perfect finish.

Stacked tuna melt sandwiches.

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Chickpea Salad Sandwich Tue, 23 Aug 2022 04:49:33 +0000 Vegan Chickpea Salad Sandwiches - a nutritious sandwich made with hearty chickpeas, earthy tahini, bright lemon, crisp veggies, multigrain bread, and it's layered with all your favorite toppings.

Stack of three chickpea salad sandwiches on multigrain bread.

Hearty Chickpea Salad Sandwiches

If you love hummus you will also love and appreciate all the similar depth of flavor found in this sandwich!

And if you aren't a hummus fan I've listed an option to make it taste similar to tuna salad instead, with a creamy mayo base (which can also be made vegan). Either way you can't go wrong with this recipe.

It's nutritious, easy to prepare, and it's perfectly filling thanks to those protein filled and fiber rich chickpeas (plus the fiber found in the whole grain bread).

I love to make this for lunch and eat it for several days since it keeps well in the fridge. It makes a great make-ahead meal prep or take along school lunch for the kids.

What to Serve It In

Just like many other similar salads you can serve it in bread, wraps, pita pockets, lettuce leaves, or serve atop avocados, crackers, pita chips, or just eat it plain on its own.

There's so much to love about this versatile, simple, and satisfying chickpea salad sandwich!

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Roasted Tomato Basil Soup Wed, 27 Jul 2022 15:43:35 +0000 Is there a soup that says summer like a homemade roasted tomato basil soup does? In this version we oven roast the tomatoes, onions and garlic for more depth of flavor and it really makes the soup over-the-top delicious!

Serving of tomato basil soup shown close up in a white bowl with a grilled cheese to the side.

Fresh Tomato Basil Soup

This is how you do comfort food. A vibrant, healthy soup with a grilled cheese to accompany it.

This soup will likely become a highlight of summer dinners, and it's a great way to use all those garden fresh tomatoes.

It requires minimal ingredients but yields such amazing results! The key ingredients include several pounds of gorgeously red ripe tomatoes, lots of flavorful fresh basil, and a fair amount of garlic for a perfectly fresh tasting soup.

Though there may be several steps the process is quite simple. You roast the tomatoes and aromatics, then simmer the soup on the stove, and finish by blitzing it all together with immersion blender. And then you've got yourself an undeniably delicious homemade tomato basil soup!

Want to make it creamy? Simply add 1/2 cup to 1 cup cream to the soup at the end. And feel free to toss in some parmesan cheese too if you can't resist.

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French Onion Soup Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:00:54 +0000 The BEST French Onion Soup recipe! Made with slowly caramelized yellow onions, a savory lightly herby broth, and each serving is finished with golden brown, rich cheese toasts. Talk about delicious!

French onion soup shown in a white bowl with handles. Soup is topped with baguette slices, broiled cheese and herbs.

What is French Onion Soup?

Traditional French onion soup began as a humble peasant soup made with basic ingredients, and dates as far back as Roman times. It's an onion and stock based soup served gratiné style with toasted bread or croutons and cheese atop.

It is one of those soups that you maybe didn't appreciate as a child but have grown to really love an enjoy in all it's cheesy flavorful glory as an adult.

While yes it is a rather easy soup to make and it doesn't need very many ingredients, it does require a bit of time and tending to.

In other words patience is key. Have a little something to do nearby. Monitor the onions closely and you'll have an excellent, deeply flavored bowl of soup to serve.

To ensure success be careful that you don't burn and over-brown those onions or the frond (browned bits) on the surface of the pot (I've done this and it ruins the soup). Just monitor them as directed and deglaze the pot as directed.

And also don't stop short of beautiful caramelized, this will take about 45 minutes, no shortcuts.

It's all about slowly and gently caramelizing here. It's a game changer.

As for the shade of the onions to watch for it's all about a deep, richly golden brown color here (or even more so an auburn color) for the perfect soup.

Four servings of french onion soup in white bowls with handles, shown from overhead on a dark baking sheet.

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Strata Sat, 27 Mar 2021 06:50:22 +0000 My favorite Strata recipe! This delicious dish is made with hearty artisan style bread, fresh spinach and bell pepper, flavorful ham, bold cheddar cheese, and a rich egg custard. All together in one! What's not to love?

Overheat photo of strata casserole in a white rectangular baking dish.

What is a Strata?

A strata is an American brunch casserole dish made up of layered pieces of bread, meat or vegetables, often cheese, and it's all soaked in an egg and milk mixture. It's oven baked until cooked through and set, and then cut into squares and served warm.

It's something like a savory French toast, with mix-ins!

I love this for a change because a lot of breakfast foods are sweet, or coated in something sweet. Like pancakes, pastries, scones, waffles, muffins, and French toast. But it's great to have a more savory option like this strata.

It's so convenient that you can make this the night before you want to serve it, pop it in the oven in the morning and have an easy, hot breakfast ready to serve! An overnight casserole that's great for holidays and weekends.

It also makes a great dinner and leftovers for lunch too. So much deliciousness in every layered bite!

Photo of slice of strata on a single serving plate with a fork to the side. Plate is set over a green cloth.

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How to Make Bread Crumbs Wed, 17 Feb 2021 05:37:09 +0000 Homemade Bread Crumbs have better, fresher flavor, they make for less waste and there are countless ways to use them! It's a super simple DIY project that's easily worth the little bit of effort.

Image: homemade plain bread crumbs in a glass jar set on a wooden plate with a black background.

Easy Homemade Bread Crumbs

The best recipes are built from scratch, such as using your own homemade bread crumbs. It's the little things that really make a dish taste fresher and stand out.

These are the best substitute to use anywhere a recipe calls for store-bought bread crumbs. You can use fresh bread that skips all those preservatives and additives (that super lengthly list of ingredients) that the boxed bread crumbs have.

Plus you can make the crumbs the size you prefer for different uses. If you are adding to meatloaf or meatballs you can blitz them up fine, if you are using them to coat chicken or fish you can make them a little larger for more crispy crunch.

I did a side by side comparison and these come out to be nearly identical to the boxed bread crumbs in color and texture but the flavor is far better!

You can also season them so many different ways, my personal favorite is with a classic "Italian seasoned" which I've included as well.

Another option here is to include bread crusts or omit. I always leave them but some people prefer them without.

Either way once you try these you'll realize you never need to buy the standard store-bought bread crumbs again and you'll be so glad to find a use for stale bread that may otherwise end up in the trash.

Close up photo of bread crumbs on a spoon.

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Stuffing Recipe Mon, 11 Nov 2019 05:38:06 +0000 My favorite Stuffing recipe! Made from scratch and 100 times better than what you get in a box! It includes hearty bread, lots of butter, a flavorful blend of aromatics including fresh herbs and vegetables, and it's finished with nicely seasoned chicken broth to soak it all up.

Stuffing in a white casserole dish.

Homemade Stuffing Recipe from Scratch

This stuffing is likely to become a new Thanksgiving tradition in your home! Once you try it homemade you'll never look back!

Every time I make this people love it! It's just good old fashioned stuffing the way it's meant to be, made with bakery bread and fresh ingredients!

And trust me cutting and drying your own bread cubes is worth the extra step. Keep in mind you can do this in advance to save time on holidays.

Can I Make it Ahead?

Probably the biggest question here will be "can this be made in advance"? Yes this can definitely be done. To do so:

  • Prepare the stuffing as directed the day before.
  • Pour into the baking dish, cover and refrigerate.
  • The following day remove from the fridge while the oven preheats.
  • Bake as directed while adding about 10 extra minutes to the baking time since it will be going in cold.
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