Who We Are
We are a group of ordinary people who have happened upon an extraordinary dream -- to build, contribute to, and participate in healthy and thriving communities. It takes a village to raise a child. But what's more, we believe that it takes a village to create a satisfying life. It turns out we need our neighbors and a community to be healthy, produce jobs, protect the land, and care for the elderly and those on the margin. We believe that we all have gifts to share that when offered to the community can create a fabric of care and an abundance of riches.
Turning Point’s mission is focused on marginalized families in our community. We believe poverty and inequity harms us all, and we work to build opportunities for agency and inclusivity for students and parents in each of our programs. To achieve this goal, we provide after-school tutoring, community meals and educational summer camp for diverse children from low-income areas in the Shoreline School District. Engaging in work that addresses issues of poverty and inequity is at the core of our organization and informs the core of our work.
Turning Point is a nonprofit birthed out of a desire to participate in the flourishing of our local community in Shoreline, Washington. We were a group of sincere neighbors that wanted to contribute to making our community a better place. We began to do a lot of listening to the gifts and the needs in our community. Founded in 2006, we began to serve the low-income, homeless and disadvantaged, joining with other local organizations that were doing good. We sought to serve the working poor, people trapped in cycles of poverty, and families without economic access or the luxury of an educational or social safety net.
Over the years we have sat at community roundtables to partner with organizations to strengthen youth and families in Shoreline. We believe in partnering with local agencies to combine resources that strengthen and support low-income and disadvantaged families, and we have partnered with the City of Shoreline, Shoreline School District, Center for Human Services, YMCA, and many other organizations to that end. We began doing basketball camps, teen nights, and partnering with Ballinger Homes Family Support to provide tutoring and after-school programs. Eventually, we adopted an after-school program that was being cut due to budget restraints at the Center for Human Services. In addition, we began to offer summer day camps, staff a summer lunch program, send youth to YMCA leadership camps, and cultivate a local giving garden. We have been privileged to serve some amazing youth and families, and remain committed to listening to, partnering with, and investing in our local community.